Poetry from Outram School
Here are a couple of my students' version of the poem "Wealth".
Tracey Hunter
Outram School
Wealth by Mya
Wealth can be counted, but in time not in dollars or things.
Days since you ate a warm roast,
hours since you last played basketball with your brothers
or swimming in the cold Bannockburn lake,
how recently you've been running down the court playing netball.
how many weeks before you get to see cousins
how long until you get to spend Christmas with your family again.
Wealth by Will
Wealth can be counted, but in time not in dollars or things.
Days since you made a batch of steaming raspberry muffins
hours since you lay on the sun absorbing the sun streaming in
or sitting round the table feasting on a lamb roast with your family
how recently you've finished a lego creation
How many weeks before you get to play a game of Friday night hockey in the winter cold
How long until you next lie on the grass staring up at the clouds.
Hey Mya and Will it is Kerri here.
ReplyDeleteThank you for these wonderful poems inspired by Nick's version. I love that you have used his opening line for yours - it really makes us think straight away about how precious 'time' is.
Both of you see wealth in some truly personal things - but also things that many of us will connect with! Warm roasts, swimming in cold water, and lying on grass staring up at the clouds are the ones for me that I also treasure. Special moments in time.
Will I love that you included 'how recently you've finished a lego creation' - something pretty satisfying I would imagine:)
Fantastic pieces of writing. Thanks to Tracey for sharing them with me.
Hi Will and Mya, Mr King here from Otatara School in Invercargill.
ReplyDeleteWe were inspired by Nick to write our own "Wealth" poems as well, and it's great to see how many things we've got in common with you. Many of ours also mentioned things like camping, swimming and playing hockey. It's so true that many of the things that make us feel "wealthy" often don't cost much - or anything!
Hello Mya and Will, Oliver from Tamatea Intermediate School in Hawkes bay. I really like your poems and that why I am commenting. Our class also did a wealth poem but we didn't do it about wealth we could do it about anything I did Mine about time here it I ---->
The Time Of Stone To The Time Of Iron,
What Do they All Have In Common,
They All Have Guns.
Who Could Say, Who Could Not.
No One Can Say As No One Knows.
Everything Is Lost, In The Sands of Time Whether You Accept It, Or Not.
Time Is Shun By Man And Man Is Shun By Time.
Copyrighted© By Oliver Hill 25/6/21
Personally I think Writing it about something else is better as you can challenge yourself with some other concept that you haven't heard before do you agree?
Sorry if there is any grammar mistakes.