There are Conversations and then there are CONVERSATIONS

Hello, my name is Kurt and this other guy next to me is Oliver. We think that the Conversation Game text is really interesting because you get to hear stories and learn about how to make good conversations with someone. By playing this game, we will also learn how to ask good questions and dig in deeper to see how people are feeling. This really helped us because when we converse with each other we often ask how the other person is feeling and after reading the text we realised that we are not  always really interested in the answer.  

So if we ask a question of someone and they say good we should ask another question to strike up a conversation and then listen to the answer, really listen. This text also helped us to be more aware of what each other are saying, so now when people say “I’m good.” We say, what do you mean by “good?”  Then this continues and opens up the conversation.  

This is what we think about and have learnt about the Conversation Game and we hope to read other people’s perspectives.  What have you learnt about building conversations?


  1. Hi Kurt and Oliver my name is Kerri. Thank you for sharing the learning you have taken from 'Conversation Games'.

    I agree that it is a bit of a habit that when we ask 'How are you' and the reply comes back as 'good' that is where we often leave the conversation. What do we really mean when we reply 'good'? Or when someone replies to us as 'good'. Are they really good? Or is this just the reply we are so used to giving because that is what we think people want to hear? Hmmmmm ... a great conversation starter!

  2. Hi Kurt and Oliver, I'm Darelle from Avonhead School. Thanks for posting your thoughts on Conversation Games. I know I always say 'fine' or 'good' when someone asks me a question, and I also feel like some people just ask 'how are you?' as a formality and they aren't actually interested in your response, therefore we do just say 'fine' so they don't have to talk anymore (perhaps people in shops do this a lot). However this text made me think when I'm talking with my friends and family I need to be asking better questions and really showing I am interested, and encouraging them to talk more. It is interesting to hear about others' lives and what they've done each day. So I agree with you that it is the response we give as that's what we've been conditioned to think that's what they want to hear. I think this is a good story to encourage us to change!!


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