Giselle Clarkson inspired posters by year5s of Iqra School

 Kia Ora, 

We had an amazing time creating our posters, posting on twitter and discussing the" Common Household Biscuits and Slices" by Giselle Clarkson. The students were over the moon on getting replies from Giselle, and that they got to 'chat' with the creator. Here are some snapshots of our work!


  1. Kia ora Ayesha and class it is Kerri here. Thank you SO SO much for sharing last week's learning during #NZreadaloud. It was fantastic to see you all on Twitter and I agree that having the author chatting with us and answering our questions is a real highlight.

    The posters which you have all done after being inspired by Giselle's Biscuit & Slices Poster are just gorgeous. I love that you have all had a go at the fake Latin name; was it difficult to do?

    My favourites are:
    Sanddunes - Fantastikus surfos
    Jelly Top - Tip gelata
    Basin Reserve - Basin resvi
    Tui - Songable blueous

    Looking forward to what you do next week!

    1. Hello Kerri,

      Im Dexter and I'm from Tamatea intermediate, I really liked your work with the made up names for the Basin Reserve and Jelly Tops etc. This has inspired me to do some myself. Here's a few of mine: For Rongokako it is Intelligentay travelleray, Tamatea Intermediate, learneth middles and Choc Bar, delesourly chocatay. I challenge everyone in this blog to make up names for some of your favourite places. What's yours?

  2. Hey Ayesha, my name is Beau and I am a learner in Rongokako. I really liked the way you have created your posters by hand. I really like fishing so I decided to create my poster on lures. I had to think about the colours and size placement. A copy of my poster is included in this blog above. Like your students I really enjoyed making up the fake Latin names. I would like to know what your students thought about while creating your posters.


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