Shout Out

It was important for me to write this post and give a big shout out to 

Luca from @Rongokako21

It was a Teacher Only day at his kura and he was supposed to go to work with his dad but he wanted to host the last Twitter chat for #NZreadaloud with @giselledraws. 

So he told dad he'd walk down after the chat was over.

Luca had scheduled the question tweets for specific times so he could concentrate on replying and questioning. 

Luca ran this Twitter chat like a professional. 

He has learnt the appropriate conventions of a tweet such as greeting, say what school you are at, ask a question, use the hashtag, and include a handle if wanting someone specific to see it. 

The conversation below shows how a reply and a further question can elicit further information.

The questions in the chat had kids giving opinions and reasons. There was much debate over 
The Lamington!

Luca is the ultimate role model for other students beginning to use this platform.

We talk about agency and wanting our kids to be Jungle Tigers - Luca you are definitely in the jungle and taking your learning into your own hands. 
The ultimate for a teacher is to have students who can, want to,  and know how to learn on their own. Mrs Howard is so proud of you! You should be proud of yourself. I am proud of you!

If ever I need someone to host a Twitter chat for #NZreadaloud, I know I can ask you! What a fantastic skill you have learnt. One which I know you will teach to others.

Ka mau te wehi!

Final word from Giselle Clarkeson

For you Luca.


  1. Kudos Luca, that's inspirational!

  2. Way more fun than plastering Luca! So proud to see your leadership skills shining. My next challenge is to try this with my year 3&4’s. Wish I had you in my team! Keep up the great mahi Luca! From Aunty Crystal.


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